Bettering your business through efficient training.
Do you have a subject area or skill set you wish to train your employees to be proficient in?. Whether the training be for their job function or to create a better workplace culture — workplace training is important. But, with so many types of training and providers, how do you determine the right training to deliver?
Training can be classified under two main categories: rote learning, often characterized as memorization learning, and meaningful learning. If one were to be put through a rote learning program, the trainee would be able to recall information as memorized. However, ideally, a training course would be more than just memorization so a trainee can adapt accordingly to a diverse array of situations.
As outlined by psychology and education expert Richard Mayer, the modern learning theory has six main stages in the learning process: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create.
Meaningful learning touches upon all six of these key components whereas rote learning only focuses on the ‘remember’ category. So how does this all tie into training your employees with Sisu VR?
Sisu VR has designed the Empower Now Program to be an immersive experience to help trainees not just identify signs and methods of remediation for workplace harassment, but also feel what it’s like to be placed in the shoes of the victim, perpetrator, or observer.
We’ve worked with Ethics programs to help best consider the actions that should be taken in different scenarios that are based on real-life cases. We’re able to record and provide users feedback resulting in a meaningful learning experience.
Check out other practical benefits to using VR training:
VR Helps Increase Learning Speed and Accuracy
When going through a training course, sometimes less is more. With VR, less time is needed to learn the same information delivered through traditional training. As referenced by the KFC example, 25 minutes of training was cut down to just 10 minutes. Household name companies, such as Walmart and KFC see the value in this and have adopted VR training to their onboarding process.
VR Helps Retain Information by 8.8%
Upon going through training, it may be natural to forget certain elements that happened throughout the training. This decay of information remembrance may be caused by external distractions or length of training, among other reasons. Sisu VR finds solutions to information decay by having modules in short bursts rather than a long training session that may be tiring to sit through. This helps with retention and overall understanding of knowledge when compared to longer sessions that may seem daunting.
If you wish to learn more about how meaningful learning is implemented into Sisu VR’s Empower Now Program, feel free to contact us. Let’s continue the conversation on how to best provide training for your employees!